People in dire need are waiting for food, education and employment support.
You can donate through PayPal account or credit card. PayPal accepts all major credit cards.
Australian Bank Transfer
Deposit through online banking or in person at any WestPac Australia Bank branch.
Title: Relief For Needy INC
BSB: 033161
Account: 410431
Reference: ZakatulFitr or ZakatalMaal or Sadaqah
RFN aspires in improving the conditions of underprivileged communities by providing food, education and employment opportunities to needy people worldwide.
Pakistani Bank Transfer
Title: Hala Welfare Trust Welfare Trust International
Bank: Faisal Bank Limited
Address: IBB DHA Phase I, Karachi
IBAN: PK78FAYS3400301000011471
Reference: ZakatulFitr or ZakatalMaal or Sadaqah or Food or Education or Employment
Pay by Credit Card or PayPal
You can pay through PayPal account or credit card. PayPal accepts all major credit cards.